
Sunday, January 13, 2013

I don't suck my thumb anymore!!!

One night laying with Cruz in bed...

M- Cruzie- you are such a big boy now.  I am so proud of how you are sharing, and learning letters, and being so big!  But you really have to stop sucking on your thumb, buddy.  Its not good for your teeth, and you are not a baby anymore.

C- Yeah but I really love my thumb.

M- Well, I know sweetie, but we are going to the dentist tomorrow.  I am pretty sure he is not going to be happy about the way your teeth are growing, because your thumb is in their way.  So if you can't keep your thumb out of your mouth I am going to have to paint some really HOT stuff on your thumb.

C- I'll just wipe it off.

M- Well you won't be able to wipe this off, its kind of like Salsa- and will really burn in your mouth.

C- Is it the white salsa mommy?  (he means queso)

M- No the red stuff that you don't like and that is really hot.  But if you stop putting your thumb in your mouth I won't have to paint it.

C- Mom is this a good thing to do? (hiding his thumb inside his fingers like a fist!)

M- yea buddy, that is really good.

C- And then I could put my hands behind my back too.

M- Okay that sounds good.  You can do it Cruz, whenever you think you want to suck your thumb, just hide it.

Cruz has been very successful ever since!  A few days later- with no thumb sucking... he asked if he could just rub his mooostache.  He used to hold his left thumb in his mouth and wrap his right hand around the other hand and soothe his upper lip with his right index finger.

M- yea that will be fine just keep that thumb hidden.

Then a few days later- still no thumb sucking, but moooostache rubbing- Mom my lip hurts, i need some chapstick.  He had a blister from rubbing it!- so then he needed a ice ring to soothe his blister.  But still no thumb sucking!!!

SOOOOO  Chuckie Cheese Party is tomorrow for 7 successful days with no thumb sucking!!! Yeah big boy!

The next big milestone to conquer... for both boys- sleeping all night with dry underwear!

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